My bucket list


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Hey guys!

So I thought it would be pretty cool to do a bucket list and write about all the things I wanna do before I die. There are so many things that I want to do like going travelling and simple little things to just create memories and also as I am writing them down on here it will hopefully make me more determined to complete them :)

1.  Visit pandas. My favourite animal in the entire world is a panda, they are the most adorable animals ever! so before I die I would love to travel and go see some.

2. Learn to surf. Ecspecially because I live right next to the sea I feel I should know how to surf, I just have never got around to learning. I think this could be slightly due to how freezing cold the water is.

3. Travel. I'd love to see the world and all the amazing places inside it, there are few places I already know i want to travel to like Bali, Italy, Australia, Dubai, Africa and America. 

4. Go on a safari. I'm a big lover of animals. I'd love to go on a safari and see the animals in there natural habitat. 

5. Ride in a  hot air ballon. I've always thought this would be a pretty cool experience being way up high and seeing everyone else down below the size of ants.

6.Go scuba diving. I have always wanted to give this a try, although thinking about it make me a bit scared. 

7.Bathe an elephant. I've heard about this from looking at gap year websites, this would be an amazing experience. I know someone who did this and said it was incredible. 

8.Swim with sea turtles. This is pretty similar to scuba diving I just think this would be pretty cool. 

9.Visit a black sand beach. I've seen so many pictures of black sand beaches which look amazing.

10.Go to a Drive in movie. I think this would be pretty cool. I'm not sure if you can do this in the UK though.

11.See the Northern Lights. I just think seeing this should be on everyone's bucket lists, it's so beautiful.

12. Go to a festival. I want to go to a big festival where one of my favourite bands are playing.

I'm pretty sure I will have more adventures to add and do before I die and I hope to complete.

Comment what's on your bucket lists below :)?

Thanks J x

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