Get to know me tag


Hey Guys!

So as I am a new blogger I thought it would be a good idea to do a get to know me tag, so you know a bit about the girl behind all the posts.

1. Do you have a middle name?
My middle name is Lisa so yeah!

2. My favourite subject?
I'd have to say Biology as I found it very interesting learning all about the body although I was not very good at it and I also liked art.

3.What's your favourite drink?
Iced tea!

4. whats your favourite song?
I don't really have one favourite song, it is always changing but at the moment I keep listening to songs by Mura Masa.

5. What's your favourite food?
Hmm this is a hard one i'd have to say pizza or something with sweet chilli and chicken.

6. what's your favourite animal?
Pandas all the way!

7. Whats your favourite perfume?
At the moment I am really liking the Marc Jacobs Decadence.

8. Do you speak any other languages?
No only English, I did french in school but i was hopeless.

9.How tall are you?
I'm 5ft 4!!!!!

10. What phone do you have?
Samsung Galaxy s6 edge+

11.Do you have any pets?
Yes I have quite a few, I have 1 tortoise, 1 cat, 2 dogs, 2 rabbits, guinea pigs and fish.

12.Pc or Mac?

13.Who are your favourite YouTubers?
Oh i have quite a few Emily Canham, Jake Boys, Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee and so many more.

14. Do you have any Siblings?
Yes I have a younger brother.

15. Some of your favourite tv shows?
Hollyoaks, Once upon a time, Death in paradise and Big Bang theory.

16. Are you in a relationship?
Yes :)

I hope you enjoyed getting to know me bit more

thanks J x

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